Bird Species

We’ve rounded up profiles for some of the most popular North American bird species. Learn how to attract these fine feathered friends and listen to their songs.

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6 Fascinating Whooping Crane Facts

Learn about the current whooping crane population and kick up more facts about these elegant and endangered birds.

Here’s Why Pigeons Are the Most Misunderstood Birds

When it comes to pigeons, is the hate merited? We chatted with an expert about why you should rethink your...

13 Fascinating Mourning Dove Facts

Mournings doves are common in backyards across America. Learn interesting facts you should know about the beautiful mourning dove.

Meet 6 Types of Wrens You Should Know

The Southwest is a hotspot for wren diversity. Get to know several types of wrens with big personalities and even...

All About Mourning Dove Eggs and Baby Mourning Doves

We share the answers to the most common questions about mourning dove eggs and baby mourning doves, including when they...

What Does a Mourning Dove Call Sound Like?

Listen to the soothing sound of a mourning dove call. The song is described by some as peaceful or mournful....

ID Challenge: Cooper’s Hawk vs Sharp-Shinned Hawk

A common backyard birding challenge is learning how to ID a Cooper's hawk vs a sharp-shinned hawk. Look closely at...

Bohemian Waxwing vs Cedar Waxwing: ID Tips

Know what to look for the next time a waxwing bird feasts on your berry tree. Learn to ID a...

22 Breathtaking Mourning Dove Pictures

Enjoy a collection of photos that capture the beauty of mourning doves in all seasons, including mourning dove nests and...

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Vs Pileated Woodpecker: Are They Related?

Birders may compare an ivory-billed woodpecker vs a pileated woodpecker, as they share many traits. Experts weigh in on any...

Meet the Black Birds That Are Always Dressed for Halloween

Get to know North America's most mysterious black birds and discover how they might have earned their haunting reputation.

Eastern vs Western Screech-Owl: What’s the Difference?

It’s difficult to ID Eastern and Western screech owl species—location is your best bet. Hear their call and learn about...

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Sky Hunters: What Foods Do Hawks Eat?

Learn the answer to what do hawks eat. Plus find out which hawks are most likely hunting the songbirds at...

9 Types of Hawks You Should Know

Keep an eye on the sky. These stunning birds are worth scoping out. Learn how to identify 9 different types...

5 Vibrant Tanager Bird Species to Know

Meet the five types of tanager bird species you might see in North America. Learn to identify tanagers and how...

House Finch vs Purple Finch: How to Tell the Difference

It can be tricky to ID a house finch vs purple finch — here are the field marks and differences...

Look for Elegant Cedar Waxwing Birds in Berry Trees

Built for gobbling fruit, cedar waxwings are striking, social birds. Learn how to spot these elegant birds.

Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker: A Woodpecker by Another Name

Don't let the moniker fool you. Yellow-bellied sapsuckers are full-fledged members of the woodpecker family with a one-of-a-kind way of...

How to Identify a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

See pictures of a blue gray gnatcatcher. Plus, find out where these small songbirds live, what they eat, and how...

All About Red Bellied Woodpeckers

Meet the woodpecker with a puzzling moniker and a big appetite for suet. Here's how to attract and identify a...

Look Up High to Spot Stunning Scarlet Tanagers

Birders may spot scarlet tanagers high in forest canopies across the eastern states. During summer, males are red and black...

6 Amazing Facts About Common Loons

Get to know the water-loving common loon. Learn about this bird's habits, wingspan, what it eats, how fast it flies...

20 Stunning and Inspiring Bald Eagle Pictures

The bald eagle is America's national bird and seeing one is an awe-inspiring sight. Enjoy gorgeous bald eagle pictures captured...

14 Mind-Blowing Woodpecker Facts You Should Know

From their tree-climbing abilities to extraordinary hearing, there are plenty of interesting facts to learn about the woodpecker family.

12 Owl Shirts Every Bird Fan Should Own

Who doesn't love owls? You're sure to find the right fit for you in this unique selection of owl shirts.

Do Swallow Bird Sightings Have Special Meaning?

Swallows are lovely birds — but you might not know they've been significant and admired all the way back through...

16 Super Sweet Baby Swallow Pictures

There's nothing cuter than a baby swallow — except multiple baby swallows! Check out our collection of too-cute photos of...

Look for Violet Green Swallows in the West

The violet green swallow is a shiny green flier that swoops and soars in the West. Discover where to find...

How to Identify and Attract a Tufted Titmouse

Learn how to identify and attract a tufted titmouse. Offer seeds and suet, then watch their back-and-forth antics at the...