From nest building to snoring (yes, snoring!), the behavior captured in these hummingbird videos will captivate your bird-loving heart.
Must-See Hummingbird Videos You Can’t Miss
You love watching hummingbirds visit the feeders in your yard, their jewel-like colors flashing in the sun. Now see them like never before in these hummingbird videos, captured by professionals and amateurs alike.
Hummingbirds in Slow Motion
Hummingbirds often seem to be here and gone, in the blink of an eye. National Geographic turned high-speed cameras on them, to slow down the magic and expose their beautiful secrets. Watch as a hummingbird eats, flies, and shakes water from its feathers in extreme slow motion. The majesty will astound you.
Snoring Hummingbird
From the sublime to the, well, ridiculous. BBC cameras captured this sleeping hummingbird snoring. This is something that has to be seen to be believed. (You’ll want your sound on for this video.)
Confused Hummingbird
It doesn’t always take professional cameras to capture great hummingbird videos. A pair of hunters caught this befuddled hummer desperately trying to sip nectar from a bright orange cap! You’ve got to admire the bird’s determination.
Learn how to make your own hummingbird sugar water.
Hummingbird Landings
Adding a perch to a hummingbird feeder can give the little birds a place to rest while they drink and encourage them to stay longer. It also provides a chance to get a better look at their tiny feet as they come in for a landing. Filmed in high-speed and shown in slow-mo, this video puts the spotlight on those funny feet.
Hummingbird Builds a Nest
If you’ve been lucky enough to see a hummingbird nest, you know they’re a marvel of intricate construction, just big enough to hold the jelly-bean-sized eggs. In this video, filmed by Nature on PBS, watch an Anna’s hummingbird construct her nest from start to finish. You won’t believe the secret special material that holds it all together!
Enjoyed these hummingbird videos? Bring more of them to your yard! Find everything you need to know about attracting hummingbirds.