Bl1193312e48aBirds & Blooms
Hang clay planters to dress up a fence or a trellis.

Have some old clay pots lying around? Brighten up a bare fence or wall with this simple pot trellis. You can change the look as often as you like—just unhook the pots and pop in fresh plants.


  • Trellis
  • Clay pots
  • Galvanized Wire
  • Wire Cutters
  • Pliers

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Step 1

You can build a trellis yourself with leftover scrap wood using nails to hold it together, or you can buy a trellis to suit the site or cut one to fit. You may wish to stain or paint it with exterior paint first. Then place the trellis in its spot, making sure the horizontal bars are sturdy enough to hold the weight of potted plants.

Step 2

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To fashion a pot loop, bend a length of galvanized wire to fit snugly beneath each pot rim.

Step 3

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Twist one end of the wire over itself and pinch tight with pliers, leaving one long end free for hanging.

Step 4

Bl1193312e48dBirds & Blooms
The pots are removable so you can easily switch out the plants.

Bend the long end of the wire to make a hook that fits snugly over a horizontal piece of trellis. Add as many pots to the trellis as you like, and add plants to suit your style!