Bird Species

We’ve rounded up profiles for some of the most popular North American bird species. Learn how to attract these fine feathered friends and listen to their songs.

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6 Beautiful Bunting Bird Species You Should Know

Colorful bunting bird species stand out in a crowd. Learn where to find 6 types of buntings and the field...

When Will House Wrens Return in Spring?

Do wrens migrate? Although not as flashy as an oriole or hummingbird, many people are excited to see house wrens...

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American Goldfinch: The Golden Bird

The American goldfinch is one of the last songbirds to breed each summer. Look for these bright, thistle-loving beauties in...

The Lesser Goldfinch is No Less Amazing

Why is the lesser goldfinch "lesser?" We have the answer, and we have tips for attracting these bright birds to...

Attract a Prothonotary Warbler With a Birdhouse

Learn how to identify and attract a prothonotary warbler. Find out what the males and females look like, and learn...

Meet the Mallard: The Most Common Duck in the World

Learn what male and female mallard ducks look like and sound like. Look for mallards on open water; they usually...

20 Pictures That Will Change How You Look at Sparrows

From sparrows in winter to sweet baby sparrows, these sparrow pictures prove there is much to appreciate about these energetic,...

What Foods, How Often and How Much Do Hummingbirds Eat?

Birding experts discuss what do hummingbirds eat—and how often they eat it! A hummingbird's diet includes more foods than you...

17 Types of Sparrow Birds That You Should Know

Think telling sparrows apart is just not worth the effort? Our tips might change your mind. Identify sparrows by habitat,...

Meet the Towhee Birds Scratching up a Storm

Look down! That noise under your shrubs is a shy, ground-feeding towhee in search of its next meal.

Listen for the Sweet Sounds of a Song Sparrow

Learn how to identify a song sparrow. Find out what these musical sparrows look like and sound like, and learn...

Royal Bird: Meet the White Crowned Sparrow

With crisp black-and-white head stripes and regional differences in song, this stunning sparrow is anything but ordinary.

How to Identify a Lincoln’s Sparrow

Learn what features to look for on a Lincoln's sparrow, where to find this bird, and how to attract the...

How to Identify and Attract a Tree Swallow

Learn how to identify a male and female tree swallow. Find out about their nests, song, range map and what...

What Does a Dark Eyed Junco Sound Like and Look Like?

Learn how to identify a dark eyed junco. See what the male and female juncos and nests look like and...

What Do Juncos Eat and How to Attract Them

Flocks of juncos arrive with cold snowy weather. Learn the best foods to offer at feeders and plants to grow...

Meet the Slate Colored Junco and Other Types of Juncos

Learn to identify six different types of dark-eyed juncos, including the slate colored junco and Oregon junco, and find out...

Meet the Snowbirds: 8 Cool Facts About Junco Birds

Discover facts about winter's favorite visitor: dark-eyed junco! Learn how long a junco bird lives. Also see why they are...

Look for Energetic Verdin Birds in the Southwest

Find and attract verdins in southwestern scrubland settings. Plus, learn about verdin nests, see what verdins look like, and...

Eastern Bluebirds Love Wide Open Spaces

You won’t attract an eastern bluebird with birdseed, but there is another secret ingredient that will surely get attention: mealworms.

Made to Wade: All About Wading Birds

Elegant and graceful, wading birds capture artists' imaginations. Here are interesting facts and gorgeous photos of wading birds.

Get to Know the Gravity-Defying Nuthatch Bird Family

Moving headfirst down tree trunks is just one nuthatch bird trait. Find out more about the members of this fun-to-watch...

How to Identify a Palm Warbler

Learn what a palm warbler looks like, where birders can find these warblers in different seasons, and what foods these...

Meet the Rosy Finch (and Learn the Best Place to See One)

To spot a rosy finch, birders should visit the western mountains. Learn about the best place to find the three...

How to Attract and Identify a Pine Siskin

When pine siskins visit, expect a flock. These feisty finches love thistle seeds. Learn what a pine siskin looks like...

Meet the Crossbill Birds: Ultimate Nomads

From their funky-looking beaks to peculiar migrations, see and learn what makes red crossbills and white-winged crossbill birds so special.

Watch Your Feeders in Winter for a Common Redpoll

The resilient common redpoll brings lively cheer to cool-weather feeders. This small bird can handle the coldest temperatures in winter.

7 Types of Finches to Look for in Winter

Flying where the food supply takes them, these colorful types of finches are a backyard treat. Look for these finch...

5 Essential Hawk Identification Tips for Birders

Use expert tips and a helpful chart to improve your hawk identification skills. Plus, learn about the common types of...