Gourd birdhouseMark Derse/Country Woman
Gourd birdhouse idea

Gourd Birdhouse Supplies:

  • Dried birdhouse gourd
  • Wooden dowel
  • Pumpkin carving tool
  • 220- and 400-grit sandpaper
  • Rag
  • Drill
  • Paint pen
  • Spray varnish
  • Twine

Gourd Birdhouse Directions

  1. Use pumpkin carving tool and cut a circle into belly of gourd. (See note below on suggested hole sizes, depending on the type of bird you are looking to attract.) Sand cut edges with 220-grit sandpaper. Clean out as much of the dried flesh and seeds inside the gourd as possible.
  2. Lightly sand outside of gourd with 220-grit sandpaper. Wipe off dust with rag and sand again with 400-grit sandpaper.
  3. Drill horizontally through top of gourd, using a bit the same size as wooden dowel. Trim down dowel to fit through top of gourd with 2 in. on each side outside the gourd.
  4. Draw design onto gourd with pencil, and trace with paint pen.
  5. Spray gourd with varnish to seal. Tie twine around each dowel side, making a loop to hang.

Here’s how to grow pumpkins and gourds.

NOTE: Each bird species has its own requirements for habitat, entrance-hole size and cavity dimensions. For instance, house wrens need a 1-in. entrance hole in a 5- to 6-in. diameter gourd and prefer them hung in a shady area close to brush. Purple martins like doorways that measure 2 1/8 in. and the gourds to be hung high in open areas. Chickadees need a 1 1/8-in. hole and like to nest in wooded areas. Bluebirds and tree swallows require a 1½-in. hole and prefer to nest in open areas. For flycatchers, make the hole 1¾ to 2 in. in diameter and hang the gourd in a tree close to a brushy area.

Plus: Learn how to make a DIY bluebird house.