Flower Gardening

Freshen up your flower garden with these expert recommendations, tips and ideas that can make any yard look like a million bucks.

Poppy vs Anemone Flowers: What’s the Difference?

You've heard of a poppy, anemone, or even a poppy anemone. But what separates them? Learn the differences between these...

Peony Meaning: Discover the Symbolism Behind the Flower

With their bold blooms, peonies are the showstoppers of spring. Learn more about the history of peonies and what different...

Grow a Cutting Garden for Beautiful Bouquets

Follow expert cutting garden advice for a thriving and successful plot full of blooms that is perfect for at-home flower...

Rhododendron vs Azalea: How to Tell the Difference

Be a garden sleuth and find out the identify of your mystery plant. See key differences between rhododendron vs azalea...

Choose the Best Types of Peonies for Your Garden

Peonies are easy perennial flowers to grow. Here's what you need to know about the different types of peonies and...

Your Guide to Growing Peonies in Pots and Containers

Planting peonies in pots takes a little more effort, but the payoff is spectacular!

6 Fascinating Primrose Flower Facts

From medicinal uses to pop culture references, discover the intriguing history, meaning (and care tips) for the early blooming primrose...

Roses Not Blooming? Here’s What to Do

Rose bushes require specialized care. Find out why your roses are not blooming and why rose flowers sometimes change color.

Calendula vs Marigold: What’s the Difference?

A pot marigold is NOT just a marigold growing in a pot.

5 Deer-Resistant Bulbs for Spring Blooms

Did hungry deer eat all of your tulips again? Plant these types of deer-resistant spring bulbs in your flower garden...

Plant Zinnia Flowers for a Rainbow of Color

Annual zinnia flowers fill your yard with color, and they are so easy to grow. Zinnia seeds will give you...

Grow Annual Angelonia Flowers for Pollinators

Bees love the little flowers of angelonia, sometimes called summer snapdragon, an easy-care annual plant for gardens and containers.

Grow Garden Pansy Flowers for Early Blooms

Available in a variety of colors, cool-season garden pansy flowers are perfect in beds, containers and hanging baskets.

Wave Petunia Plants Blow Other Petunias out of the Water

If you need a colorful groundcover or container plant, look no further than Wave petunia. Here's how to grow this...

Grow Annual Gomphrena in Your Flower Garden

Gomphrena, also called globe amaranth, is an easy-care annual that anyone can grow. It also makes a great addition to...

Grow Colorful Viola Flowers as Cool-Season Annuals

Be sure to include a colorful viola flower or two in your cool season garden plans. The variety of violas...

Disease-Resistant Beacon Impatiens Adds Color to Shade

Beat downy mildew with vibrant, shade-tolerant Beacon Impatiens—the gardening world's answer to the disease plaguing impatiens since 2011.

Black-Eyed Susan Vine Adds Vertical Garden Interest

Looking for a fast-growing annual vine to adorn a trellis? Try black-eyed Susan vine and enjoy bright blooms until the...

6 Gorgeous Peony Colors to Grow in Your Garden

From bright pink to coral and vibrant yellow, these peony colors will brighten up your garden! Plus, discover the best...

Attract a Crowd of Hummingbirds to Playin’ the Blues Salvia

Pollinators will show up in droves for this blue salvia! Discover how to grow this low-maintenance hummingbird favorite in your...

Beautiful Nasturtium Flowers Keep Bad Bugs Away

Add nasturtium flowers to your vegetable garden. These edible blooms look lovely, attract pollinators and help keep damaging pests away.

Grow a Sarah Bernhardt Peony for Garden Star Power

The Sarah Bernhardt peony is legendary for its beautiful, fragrant pink flowers. Find out how to grow these perennials in...

Add Sweet Alyssum to Spring Containers

Sweet alyssum is a cool season annual that grows well in containers. Get care tips and see combinations with this...

Grow a Fernleaf Peony for Fancy Flowers and Foliage

Discover what makes fernleaf peony leaves and flowers special! Plus, learn about an ideal fernleaf peony hybrid to add to...

14 Pretty Pictures of Peonies in Full Bloom

Peonies are a magical spring and summertime sight! These gorgeous, colorful pictures of peonies will delight all flower lovers.

How to Grow Roses: What You Need to Know

It can be intimidating if you don't know how to grow roses. These rose growing basics will start your rose...

Do Peonies Need Ants to Bloom?

What's the deal with ants on peonies? Do they help or hurt the flowers? Our garden expert clarifies a common...

African Violet Care 101: Expert Growing Tips

It's a popular houseplant, but can sometimes be tricky to grow. Try these watering, repotting and fertilizer tips for African...

10 Little-Known Peony Plant Facts

Timeless and lovely, a peony plant is beloved for a reason. Discover what makes peonies such popular flowers for gardeners.