Birding Basics

Thinking of taking up birding as a hobby? These birding basics and tips on birding for beginners will get you started.

Where Do Woodpeckers Migrate in Winter?

Some woodpeckers stay in the same place year-round, but in other instances, woodpeckers do head south for winter.  Find out why some migrate and some don't.

Quiz: How Many Shorebirds Can You Identify?

How many shorebirds can you name? Put your shorebird identification skills to the test with this fun photo quiz.

How to Get Rid of Pigeons at Bird Feeders

Rock pigeons are nonnative birds that can gobble up lots of birdseed quickly. Learn how to discourage pigeons from visiting...

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Why Do Woodpeckers Peck and How to Stop Them

Woodpeckers have a unique way to drum up attention. Learn why woodpeckers peck wood, trees and metal and how to...

6 Reasons Why Woodpeckers Have Special Meaning

Some types of woodpeckers have meaning for bird lovers. Find out which woodpecker sightings fill our readers with joy and...

Do Woodpeckers Kill or Damage Trees?

Woodpeckers serve an important role in controlling insects. Here's what you can do to keep them from becoming a threat...

Where Do Birds Sleep at Night?

Unravel the mystery of where birds go to nap and rest after dark. Our bird experts answer your questions about...

Do Owl Sightings Have Special Meaning?

What does it mean when you see an owl, and was owl meaning significant to ancient cultures? Learn about owl...

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Do Hummingbird Sightings Have Special Meaning?

Even the biggest fans of the species might not know that a sighting of the brilliant, jewel-colored hummingbird may have...

Birds in Swamps: Where Woods Meet Water

If you think swamps are stinky or boring, think again. Learn why swamps are vital habitats, and why birds choose...

Why Do Crows Chase Hawks and Owls?

If you've ever seen a group of crows swooping after a hawk, you might wonder — why do crows chase...

Bird Senses: Can Birds Smell or Taste?

Birders often wonder can birds smell and do birds have taste buds? Discover how birds survive with sight, sound, taste,...

Do Fireworks Kill or Hurt Birds?

Firecrackers and sparklers are a long-standing summer tradition, but nature lovers might wonder: can fireworks kill or hurt birds? Here's...

All About Bird Wings and Flight Feathers

Whether they’re opening for takeoff, spreading wide for a lazy soar or flapping to brake for landing, bird wings make...

Can You Move a Bird Nest Near Your Home?

Birds have a habit of building nests in inconvenient places. Find out when and how you can move a bird...

Find Your Spark Bird to Inspire a Love of Birding

A single sighting of your personal spark bird can ignite a passion for the outdoors and birding. Readers and experts...

Is This White Mourning Dove Albino?

Spotted a white dove? Learn how to tell if you're seeing an albino mourning dove. Plus, see other backyard birds...

Blue Grosbeak vs Indigo Bunting: How to Tell Them Apart

Spotted a blue bird that you can't identify? Here's how to ace a common birding test: blue grosbeak vs indigo...

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Where Do Birds Go During a Rain Storm?

From thunderstorms to blizzards, we'll show you how to protect birds by turning your yard into a shelter.

Birdability Blazes a Welcoming Trail for All Birders

Birding is for every body! Learn about Birdability, a birding organization improving accessibility to get more people into nature.

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Amazing Bird Feeding Video Contest Winners

We never tire of watching birds at feeders. Three birders captured fantastic bird feeding videos and won our 2023 Bird...

Birding Guidelines: Birdhouse Hole Size Chart

Follow the guidelines on this birdhouse hole size chart to make sure you're offering the right birdhouse for your feathered...

How to Get Rid of Blue Jays at Bird Feeders

Free up feeders for your small songbirds by learning how to get rid of blue jays. One idea is to...

Music in Motion: Birds That Sing While Flying

Look up if you hear music overhead! Birds such as sandpipers and larks sing while they fly—and their concerts are...

Are Albino and Leucistic Robins Rare?

It's exciting to see a bird with unique plumage, but how rare is an albino or leucistic robin? Our experts...

Bird Mating Rituals: Love Is in the Air

When it comes to courtship, birds pull out all the stops, using elaborate displays to attract a potential mate and...

Wild Bird Diseases: What You Need to Know

Seeing sick birds at your feeder can be a concern. Learn about common wild bird diseases, and get an update...

Do Crow Sightings Have Meaning?

Crows have a complex history! Discover what crows symbolized to ancient cultures, and find out how some interpret crow sightings...