
With bird calls that range from sweet-sounding to demanding, there are many types of songbirds in North America. From the common American robin to the brightly-colored blue jay, learn about their habitats and hear their bird songs.

How to Identify a Northern Mockingbird

See what a northern mockingbird looks like and where to find them. Plus hear a mockingbird call and learn how they mimic other backyard birds.

The Flycatcher Birds: Midair Masters

Meet the birds named for their ability to catch insects on the fly. Keep your eyes peeled for the fabulous...

How to Identify and Attract a Gray Catbird

Listen for the "mewing" call of a gray catbird in summer. These birds love to eat fruit, prefer dense thickets,...

Meet the Thrush Bird Family: Sweet Songbirds

From robins to bluebirds, these shy singers come in several sizes and colors. Know which is which when a thrush...

How to Identify a Red-Eyed Vireo

See red-eyed vireo pictures, and find out how to identify their songs and nests. Plus learn about their range and...

Meet the Adorable Titmouse Bird Tribe

Learn about the super cute titmouse bird family. Discover the five titmouse species that birders can see across the United...

Get to Know the Super Smart Corvid Bird Family

Birds in the corvid family are bold, beautiful and brainy. From jays to ravens, find out where these birds live—and...

Black-billed Magpie: A Perfect Combo of Brains and Beauty

Often viewed as an entertaining clown or mischievous rascal, the black-billed magpie never lacks in personality — and ingenuity.

Meet the Fish Crow: The American Crow’s Coastal Cousin

Learn what fish crows eat, where they live and how to tell the difference between a fish crow and an...

Is the Florida Scrub-Jay Endangered?

You may already know that the Florida scrub-jay is found only in Florida. But are these bright blue corvids at...

Baby Crows Are Much Cuter Than You Think

A baby crow is surprisingly adorable! Learn about these midnight-colored baby birds, including how long they stay in the nest...

Look for a California Scrub-Jay on the West Coast

The raucous call of the bright blue California scrub-jay reflects its mischievous behavior. This western species loves to eat peanuts.

How to Identify a Mountain Bluebird

This species is the state bird of Idaho and Nevada. It’s not hard to see why mountain bluebirds are among...

Meet 6 Types of Wrens You Should Know

The Southwest is a hotspot for wren diversity. Get to know several types of wrens with big personalities and even...

Bohemian Waxwing vs Cedar Waxwing: ID Tips

Know what to look for the next time a waxwing bird feasts on your berry tree. Learn to ID a...

Look for Elegant Cedar Waxwing Birds in Berry Trees

Built for gobbling fruit, cedar waxwings are striking, social birds. Learn how to spot these elegant birds.

How to Identify a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

See pictures of a blue gray gnatcatcher. Plus, find out where these small songbirds live, what they eat, and how...

The Most Musical Songbirds in America

Bird songs are beautiful and melodic. Discover why you should be listening as well as looking for these musical types...

What Does a Carolina Wren Call Sound Like?

Even if you don't see a Carolina wren, you might hear one. Learn what a Carolina wren call sounds like...

How to Identify a Bewick’s Wren

Find out what a Bewick's wren looks like and where you can spot one. Plus find out how to attract...

Head Southwest to See a Cactus Wren

Find out what a cactus wren looks like, what these desert birds eat and where to spot them. Also find...

House Wren vs Carolina Wren: ID Challenge

It's easy to get confused when identifying a house wren vs a Carolina wren. Learn what the birds look like,...

How to Identify and Attract a Carolina Wren

The Carolina wren song is common in southeastern woods, where it is heard even in winter. Learn about their nests...

How to Attract and Identify a House Wren

The house wren is a plain looking songbird, but its bubbling songs and nonstop activity make this cavity nester a...

How to Identify an American Robin

Many consider the American robin's bright red breast a sign of spring. Learn what a robin looks like and where...

When Will House Wrens Return in Spring?

Do wrens migrate? Although not as flashy as an oriole or hummingbird, many people are excited to see house wrens...

Get to Know the Gravity-Defying Nuthatch Bird Family

Moving headfirst down tree trunks is just one nuthatch bird trait. Find out more about the members of this fun-to-watch...

Meet the Crossbill Birds: Ultimate Nomads

From their funky-looking beaks to peculiar migrations, see and learn what makes red crossbills and white-winged crossbill birds so special.