
From helpful bird species profiles to expert tips on attracting birds to your yard – we have all the information you need to start birding.

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How Do Woodpeckers Use Their Tongues and Beaks?

Learn all about a woodpecker uses its tongue and the beak to capture insects. Also find out how a woodpecker...

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The Only Homemade Hummingbird Nectar Recipe You Need

Wondering how to make hummingbird nectar to fill your feeders? Get the simple DIY recipe for homemade hummingbird nectar.

No Ordinary Duck: Meet the Northern Shoveler

This duck species is easy to identify once you spot its heavy bill. Northern shoveler ducks are dabblers, filter-feeding on...

How to Identify a Common Gallinule

Learn what a common gallinule looks like and where to find this water bird. Plus, find out what name the...

12 Top Winter Bird Feeding Tips

Birds change their eating habits as colder weather rolls in. But you can help your feathered friends by following these...

Ask the Experts: Hummingbird Behavior Explained

Birding experts answer some of the most commonly asked questions about fascinating hummingbird behavior that you might see in your...

Attract More Hummingbirds for Less Money

Save time and money when feeding and attracting hummingbirds with these simple tips and tricks. Your wallet will thank you!

7 Biggest Bird Feeding Myths You Should Stop Believing

It's time to bust these common backyard bird feeding misconceptions. Don't fall for these false bird feeding myths.

What Is That Black Duck With the White Beak?

The American coot looks like a black duck with a white beak, but it's actually a member of the rail...

Meet the Brilliantly Colored Buff-Bellied Hummingbird

Buff-bellied hummingbirds shimmer in southern Texas. Find out what they look like, what foods they eat, and where they build...

What Foods Do Blue Jays Eat?

If you want to feed these bold birds in your backyard, you need to know what blue jays eat. Experts...

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Top 13 Trees and Shrubs With Berries for Birds

Tasty fruits dangling from open branches entice birds, like cedar waxwings and American robins. Check out the best bird berries...

How to Identify and Attract a Bushtit Bird

A bushtit is a tiny gray bird with a long tail. Find out where to look for flocks of tiny,...

How to (Safely) Deter Nuisance Birds From Perching

Birds can make a mess if they perch in undesirable places. Get expert tips to deter birds from perching and...

7 Fascinating Sparrow Facts You Should Know

Think sparrows are boring brown birds? Think again! Get the scoop on these familiar feathered friends with sparrow facts and...

6 Homemade Bird Suet Recipes for Your Feathered Friends

Readers share their best suet recipes to make bird suet. Keep birds fueled and happy by following these tips for...

Grow a Dogwood Tree for Beauty and the Birds

Dogwoods trees have good looks, and they also attract wildlife. Add a dogwood tree to your yard for colorful flowers,...

20 Grumpy Bird Pictures to Turn Your Frown Upside-Down

These birds woke up on the wrong side of the nest! Laugh at grumpy bird photos of owls, northern cardinals,...

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Hummingbird Sounds: Do Hummingbirds Sing?

Listen carefully to hear calls or singing the next time you see a hummingbird. Learn all about the variety of...

Grackle vs Starling: How to Tell the Difference

These common black colored birds with shiny feathers are easily confused! Learn the key differences between a grackle vs a...

How to Identify and Attract a Carolina Chickadee

Attract a Carolina chickadee with birdseed and nest boxes. Learn to tell the difference between a Carolina chickadee vs a...

How to Identify a Lucifer Hummingbird

Get details about the bright colored lucifer hummingbird, including what males and females look like. Plus learn about their nests...

How to Identify a White-Breasted Nuthatch

The white-breasted nuthatch is adept at clambering up, down or around tree trunks. Learn what they look like and what...

Identify and Attract an Allen’s Hummingbird

Learn what a male, female and juvenile Allen's hummingbird looks like. Learn about their range, preferred habitat and migration.

Look and Listen for a Broad-Tailed Hummingbird

Learn how to attract, identify and observe a broad-tailed hummingbird in their high-elevation habitat throughout the western states.

How Do Birds Stay Warm in the Winter?

Birds can handle more extreme temperatures than you might imagine. Discover the unique ways that birds stay warm on the...

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11 Fascinating Northern Cardinal Bird Facts

Meet the recognizable and beloved northern cardinal. Get cardinal bird facts, including why male cardinals are red, and where cardinals...

Irruptions: A Sudden Surge of New Birds in Town

Irruptions bring surprise visitors from the far north to your feeders—an opportunity to witness one of birding’s great mysteries. Here...

How You Can Help Birds in Cold Winter Weather

Don't worry about your backyard birds during frigid winter weather. Learn how to help them by providing food, water and...