Garden Bugs

Garden bugs in the backyard are not always a bad thing. We’re breaking down the good, the bad and the ugly so you can keep harmful garden insect pests away.

If You Find a Spotted Lanternfly in Your Yard, This Is What to Do

The spotted lanternfly is invasive—and it's taking over in the U.S. Here's how to get rid of this pest and...

Meet the Milkweed Tussock Moth and Caterpillar

Milkweed tussock moth caterpillars are some of the most interesting caterpillars you can find in the garden—just plant milkweed to...

Here’s How to Keep Squash Bugs Out of Your Garden

If you're a gourd grower, here's how to keep squash bugs out of your garden so they don't ruin your...

Monarch Eggs or Aphids? How to Tell the Difference

Look closely at your milkweed plants. Learn how to tell the difference between monarch butterfly eggs and aphids.

Canna Leaf Rollers Are the Bugs Eating Your Cannas

Learn about canna leaf rollers, the small garden pests leaving holes in your canna plants, and how to get rid...

7 Fascinating Ladybug Facts You Didn’t Know

Learn interesting ladybug facts, including what bad bugs ladybugs eat and why you want this charming insect in your backyard.

How to Grow a Pollinator Garden

Follow these simple steps and tips to create a gorgeous pollinator garden that butterflies, bees and birds will love to...

How to Attract and Host Mason Bees in a Bee House

Mason bees are very helpful to your garden, and it's easy to attract them to your yard with a bee...

8 Bugs You Should Never Kill in Your Garden

Not all garden bugs are created equal. Some pollinate flowers or feed on destructive pests. Meet eight bugs you should...

Spooky Nature: Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar

The hickory horned devil looks pretty creepy with bright colors, huge eye-spots, and gigantic horns. But this caterpillar turns into...

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How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs in Your Garden

Stink bugs not only stink but are also tough to kill in your garden and your house. We talked to...

How to Control a Japanese Beetle Infestation

Say goodbye to Japanese beetles in your garden! Follow a garden expert's tips for effective Japanese beetle control.

How to Get Rid of Slugs and Snails in the Garden

Stop slugs and snails from chewing on your garden. Learn how to get rid of slugs and snails for good....

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Get Rid of Wasp Nests in Birdhouses Without Pesticides

Pesticides can harm birds so here's a better way to get rid of wasp nests in birdhouses without using dangerous...

Parsley Caterpillar: Garden Friend or Foe?

Did you see a worm crawling on your parsley plants? Don't panic. Learn about the parsley caterpillar and the butterflies...

The Best (and Easiest) Spittlebug Treatment

Noticed frothy looking "spit" foam on your plants? You've got spittlebugs! Learn a simple spittlebug treatment that will get rid...

Annual and Periodical Cicadas: What You Should Know

Two broods of periodical cicadas emerged this spring, but annual cicadas are present every year. Learn about both types of...

17 Best Flowers That Attract Bees

Create an ideal pollinator habitat by growing the plants and flowers bees love most. Plant these flowers that attract bees.

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Myths and Facts About Butterfly Host Plants

It takes more than nectar to increase the variety of species in your garden. Learn about butterfly host plants and...

Moth vs Butterfly: How to Tell the Difference

Many people think moths are the nighttime equivalent of butterflies, but it’s not quite that simple. Learn the differences between...

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What Is This Moth That Looks Like a Hummingbird?

Backyard gardeners are puzzled when they spot a moth that looks like a hummingbird. Experts reveal the identity of this...

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How to Identify a Hummingbird Clearwing Moth

Learn how to spot a hummingbird clearwing moth and how to attract these unique pollinators to your garden with nectar...

Use an Ant Moat for Your Hummingbird Feeders

Do ants keep crawling into your sugar water and other bird food? Learn how to use an ant moat for...

Will a Praying Mantis Eat a Hummingbird?

Watch your feeders and flowers for a surprising hummingbird predator. Find out how to protect your hummingbirds from a praying...

5 Silk Moths That Might be in Your Backyard

Discover the amazing silk moths you can expect to find in the garden. See photos of silk moths and learn...

What Gardeners Should Know About the Cabbage White Butterfly

Learn how to identify a cabbage white butterfly. Discover what they eat, where they live and how to save your...

How to Get Rid of Indoor Plant Bugs

Learn effective tips on how to treat, eliminate and prevent indoor plant bugs, including aphids, mites, fungus gnats and more.

Meet the Colorful Moths You Can See During Daytime

Learn more about the bright, colorful moths you can see in your backyard any time of day.

How to Build a DIY Bug Hotel

Learn how to create a DIY bug hotel where your beneficial backyard insects can put all six feet up and...