1. What Do Silver-Spotted Skippers Look Like?

To identify these butterflies, it’s important to know their size and markings. Silver-spotted skippers have a wingspan of 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 inches. The upperside of the wings is dark brown with a long golden orange section toward the center. The hindwings have a prominent silver-white spot.

Need more help identifying butterflies? Here’s a cheat sheet.

2. Where to Find Silver-Spotted Skippers

The silver-spotted skipper is found in most of the continental U.S. and southern Canada near roadsides, gardens, fields and woodland edges.

3. How to Attract Silver-Spotted Skippers

Plant common milkweed, blazing star and thistles to attract more silver-spotted skippers to your garden. Check out these 16 long-blooming flowers for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

4. Where Do Silver-Spotted Skippers Lay Eggs?

Their host plants include black locust, false indigo, American wisteria and honey locust. Females lay single green (sometimes appearing white) eggs on or near the plants.

A silver spotted skipper caterpillar sitting on a leaf.JasonOndreicka/Getty Images

5. What Silver-Spotted Skipper Caterpillars Look Like

A yellow body and a brown-red head with bold eye spots help skipper caterpillars stand out. To attract more butterflies to your backyard, plant at caterpillar cafe in your garden.