What Does a Deutzia Shrub Look Like?

CarolcooperCourtesy Carol Cooper

“I bought this shrub (above) seven years ago and have been unable to identify it. It’s a lovely cascading shrub that blooms in June. Can you help?” asks Birds & Blooms reader Carol Cooper.

Horticultural expert Melinda Myers: Your mystery shrub is one of the pink flowering deutzias. It flowers best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade. The woody stems tend to be short-lived, so prune it regularly to keep it looking its best. Since it blooms on the previous season’s growth, pruning should be done right after flowering. Use deutzias as a hedge or in mixed borders where the flowers shine and the plain green foliage provides screening or a backdrop for other more colorful plants.

Want to add more pink to your yard? Discover the top 10 pink flowering shrubs.

Olympus Digital CameraCourtesy Cindy Wabner

“This bush (above) has been in my family for many generations and no one seems to know its true name. We call it a “ducie” bush (we don’t know how to spell it). Can you help us ID it?” asks Birds & Blooms reader Cindy Wabner.

Melinda: Your family’s name for it is close. The shrub is commonly and botanically known as deutzia. It is pronounced dut’se-a (with a long u). This spring-flowering shrub is hardy in Zones 4 to 8 and can grow up to 7 feet tall and wide, depending on the variety. It flowers best in full sun and tolerates most garden soil as long as it is well drained. Prune the shrub after flowering if you need to control its size and shape.

Attract more birds with a silky dogwood shrub.

Deutzia Shrub Care and Growing Tips

Deutzia shrubs generally tolerate drought well, and while no plant is completely deer-proof, deer usually don’t bother it. There’s no need to worry about excessive maintenance, as these shrubs aren’t fussy, requiring only annual mulch and fertilizer. It’s not unusual for deutzia shrubs to survive in families for generations. There are more than 60 species of deutzia shrubs, so there’s sure to be one that’ll work for your yard!

Next, discover the best pink hydrangeas to grow in your garden.