Woodpeckers and Doves

From the red-bellied woodpecker to the mourning dove, medium-sized birds can be spotted across North America. Learn how to spot them in your area.

22 Breathtaking Mourning Dove Pictures

Enjoy a collection of photos that capture the beauty of mourning doves in all seasons, including mourning dove nests and baby mourning doves.

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Vs Pileated Woodpecker: Are They Related?

Birders may compare an ivory-billed woodpecker vs a pileated woodpecker, as they share many traits. Experts weigh in on any...

Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker: A Woodpecker by Another Name

Don't let the moniker fool you. Yellow-bellied sapsuckers are full-fledged members of the woodpecker family with a one-of-a-kind way of...

All About Red Bellied Woodpeckers

Meet the woodpecker with a puzzling moniker and a big appetite for suet. Here's how to attract and identify a...

14 Mind-Blowing Woodpecker Facts You Should Know

From their tree-climbing abilities to extraordinary hearing, there are plenty of interesting facts to learn about the woodpecker family.

Meet the Large, Red Crowned Pileated Woodpecker

The red crowned pileated woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in North America. Learn about their call and sound, size and...

How to Identify a Hairy Woodpecker

The hairy woodpecker is a black and white woodpecker with a strong call. Attract these birds with suet feeders and...

Downy Woodpecker: Meet the Downies

A downy woodpecker is a small black and white bird that visits suet feeders. Listen to their call and see...

9 Fascinating Facts About Common Ravens

Learn raven facts about these intelligent, fascinating and charming birds, including where to find common ravens and what raven birds...

Meet the Backyard Birds With a Bad Reputation

Rethink your stance on the bad birds in your backyard by learning some birding basics about their behavior and personalities.