
Make the backyard garden of your dreams a reality with these gardening tips and ideas from our experts.

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Expert Tips for Overwintering Begonias as Houseplants

Begonias are popular annual flowers, but you don't need to stop enjoying them when winter comes. Overwintering begonias is easier...

19 Things Your Landscaper Won’t Tell You

Add as much as 15% to your home's value with these expert landscaping tips.

20 Beautiful Bee Pictures We Can’t Stop Buzzing About

Birds and butterflies aren't the only beautiful backyard visitors. These pretty bee pictures will give you a new appreciation for...

Does a Ladybug Have Special Meaning or Symbolism?

What does it mean if you see a ladybug? Are they good luck? Learn about ladybug meaning and symbolism, and...

The Best Hydrangea Bush for Every Yard and Growing Condition

Discover what makes hydrangea bushes so versatile and our top picks for full sun, shade, pots, cut flowers and more!

10 Best Websites for Buying Flower Bulbs Online

Whether you're looking for spring or summer blooming bulbs, from tulips to dahlias, this list features all of our favorite...

Fall is the Best Time to Plant Poppy Flower Seeds

Plant poppies in fall for a jaw-dropping garden display of summer color. Learn how to transplant and grow poppy flower...

Control a Box Elder Bug Infestation

The box elder bug is not harmful to plants or people. But they are annoying when they invade homes in...

Ladybug vs Asian Beetle: What’s the Difference?

Ladybugs eat garden pests, but they have a non-native lookalike—the Asian lady beetle. See the difference between a ladybug vs...

Katydids and Crickets: Nighttime Garden Music

Have you ever wondered what kinds of insects are singing in your garden at night? Find out more about crickets...

The Pros and Cons of Growing Common Milkweed

Common milkweed provides nectar for butterflies, and is the only food source for monarch caterpillars, but is it right for...

The Wonder of Wasps: Pollinators and Pest Control

If you see a wasp nest, don't be afraid! Wasps are beneficial garden pollinators and are one of your best...

Bee vs Fly: Meet the Flies That Look Like Bees

Bees and their look-alikes, including robber flies and hoverflies, are good bugs for your garden. Learn about flies that look...

All About Garden Moths: Important Pollinators

Learn essential facts about garden moths and how to identify them. Plus, see photos of some beautiful garden moths you...

How to Attract More Moths to Your Garden With Light

Gather some lights, bring some bananas and a bedsheet, and learn how to attract moths for a whole lot of...

10 Pictures of Spiders That Will Change Your Mind About Them

Whether you love 'em or loathe 'em, spiders are good for your garden — and these pictures of spiders invite...

Is Milkweed Poisonous to People and Pets?

Gardeners know that milkweed helps monarch butterflies and caterpillars. But is milkweed poisonous to humans, dogs and cats?

What (and How) Do Monarch Butterflies Eat?

If you want to help monarchs, you may ask what do monarch butterflies eat? Find out the answer and learn...

7 Creepy Crawly Garden Spider Facts

Hone your backyard spidey sense with spider facts! Learn how to attract them and why they're so beneficial to your...

Controlling Caterpillars: Garden Insect Pests

Some moth caterpillars can be serious garden insect pests. Get tips for controlling spongy moths, webworms and eastern tent caterpillars.

How Do Bugs, Moths and Butterflies Hibernate?

Do butterflies hibernate? Here's the answer. Also find out how your backyard bugs, like moths, dragonflies and beetles, spend the...

Expert Tips on How to Get Rid of Lily of the Valley

See what lily of the valley looks like and why you don't want it in your yard. A garden expert...

7 Fascinating Firefly Facts You Should Know

When the sun goes down in summertime, fireflies light up. Discover more fascinating firefly facts about these extraordinary insects.

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Tips for Watching and Photographing Butterflies

Watching butterflies is a delight at any age, but finding them can be a challenge. Get tips to make butterfly...

7 Garden Bee Species You Want to See in Your Yard

There are over 4,000 native bees and many are in decline. Here are 7 beneficial garden bee species that need...

Meet the Garden Beetles: Helpful Backyard Bugs

Japanese beetles are an unwelcome sight, but many other garden beetles are worth welcoming your yard. Learn which beetles are...

Meet the Skimmers: Colorful Dragonflies

The skimmer dragonfly eats pest insects, making it a very good bug for your garden. Here's how to identify and...

8 Beneficial Insects You Want to See in Your Garden

These beneficial insects are ready to lend a helping hand in your yard and garden by keeping the destructive and...

Prickly Pear Cactus: Flowers, Fruit and Shelter

Prickly pear cactus blooms in spring and has benefits for wildlife. Here's what you should know about their flowers and...