
From helpful bird species profiles to expert tips on attracting birds to your yard – we have all the information you need to start birding.

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Hummingbird Food: Sugar Water for Hummingbirds 101

Learn how to make sugar water for hummingbirds. Get the hummingbird sugar water recipe and ratio to make your own hummingbird food.

Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep at Night?

Learn where hummingbirds sleep, if they feed at night, and how they go into a deep sleep-like state...

How to Identify a Broad-Billed Hummingbird

Find out what a broad-billed hummingbird looks like and sounds like. Plus, find out where you can spot these colorful,...

Boost Your Mental Health With Bird-watching

Learn about the science behind why observing backyard birds can both support your mental health and create a needed reset...

How to Identify a Northern Saw-Whet Owl

The northern saw-whet owl is one of the smallest and cutest owls—as long as you aren't a mouse. Learn where...

How to Identify a Wood Thrush

Learn where to spot a wood thrush. These shy brown birds have a captivating song and hunt for insects on...

Meet the Breathtaking Blackburnian Warbler

What bird is black, white and orange all over? Learn what a Blackburnian warbler looks like and sounds like. Plus,...

How to Identify an American Redstart

The American redstart is a black and orange warbler. See what the males and females look like, learn what they...

16 Fascinating Facts About Bird Sounds

Whether it's a chirp, a trill or a song, it's quite the thrill to hear the amazing sounds birds make....

How to Identify a Yellow-Breasted Chat

See what a yellow-breasted chat looks like. This colorful bird has a unique way of flying. Plus, learn where you're...

American Crow: Everything You Should Know

American crow, we love you so! Learn important facts about crows, including where they live, what they eat, and what...

Meet the Colorful Canada Warbler

See what a Canada warbler looks like and where to find this species. Also, learn about their diet, songs and...

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Help a Stunned Bird That Flew Into a Window

If you find a bird that flew into a window, it's important to know how to help the stunned bird...

7 Fascinating Wild Turkey Bird Facts You Should Know

Gobble up interesting tidbits about the wild turkey bird, including how fast wild turkeys can fly and if turkeys hold...

Tale of Two Kinglets: Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Summer residents of boreal and more temperate montane forests, the ruby-crowned kinglet and golden-crowned kinglet share many similarities.

Cooperative Behavior: How Birds Help Each Other

Some types of birds work as a team for survival, nest building, and feeding. Learn more about cooperative bird behavior.

How to Identify a Chestnut-Sided Warbler

See what a male and female chestnut-sided warbler looks like, and learn where to find the birds, what they eat,...

How to Identify a Wilson’s Warbler

This Wilson's warbler, a small yellow-colored songbird, has a special field mark that makes it easy to identify—a black cap...

House Hunters: Cavity Nesting Birds

Cavity nesting birds move into a nest box or chisel a home in a tree to raise a family. Discover...

Do Wild Parakeets and Parrots Live in North America?

You don't have to visit the tropics to see wild parakeets and parrots. Learn about these exotic looking birds that...

How to Identify a White-Winged Dove

Learn more about the white-winged dove, including what the bird looks like, what it eats, and where you can find...

Attract More Backyard Birds by Growing Sunflowers

Save money feeding songbirds by growing sunflowers. After the sunny flower petals fade, sunflower seeds feed hungry birds.

What Foods Can You Feed to Ducks?

Although many people feed bread to ducks, it's better to consider more nutritious foods. Learn if ducks can eat corn...

Meet 8 Types of Orioles to Look for Across America

Get to know eight types of orioles seen throughout the U.S. and what makes each of these orange and yellow...

Mourning Dove vs Pigeon: What’s the Difference?

The pigeon and mourning dove are from the same family, but these stout, short-beaked birds are different in both subtle...

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Brown-Headed Cowbird: Most Hated Bird in America

Learn why the brown-headed cowbird is many birders' least favorite—and how to tell cowbird eggs apart from those of other...

Summer Tanager vs Scarlet Tanager: ID Challenge

It's undoubtedly a tricky ID for birders: summer tanager vs scarlet tanager. Here's how to tell these bright red songbirds...

How to Identify a Western Bluebird

Learn the field marks that distinguish a male and female western bluebird. Beckon them to your yard with nest boxes...

How to Identify a Eurasian Collared-Dove

Look for a Eurasian collared-dove at feeders in the western and southern states. Learn what the nonnative bird looks and...

Attract More Hummingbirds to a Small Garden

You're just a few plants away from hosting loads of hummingbirds! Here’s how to welcome them with even the smallest...

Go Up North to See a Great Gray Owl

The great gray owl is the largest owl in North America, measuring over 2 foot tall! Find out where you...